Workshop Sewing Level 2: Foraging Bag
Young Farmers who have completed their Sewing 1 Badge can now move onto their Foraging Bag. In this small group they will learn how to lay out a pattern, pin, cut it, mark for their salvage to create a reversible foraging bag! Mondays, 10:30am-11:30am+
Young Farmers who have completed their Sewing 1 Badge can now move onto their Foraging Bag. In this small group they will learn how to lay out a pattern, pin, cut it, mark for their salvage to create a reversible foraging bag! Mondays, 10:30am-11:30am+
Young Farmers who have completed their Sewing 1 Badge can now move onto their Foraging Bag. In this small group they will learn how to lay out a pattern, pin, cut it, mark for their salvage to create a reversible foraging bag! Mondays, 10:30am-11:30am+